Why Luna?
Several years ago, I was going through a rough patch. I was questioning my faith and struggling to find meaning in life. One evening I came home to find a luna moth clinging to the screen in my bedroom window. I’d only ever seen them in pictures and was struck with how magnificent it was.
That evening there was a terrible storm, and I worried for the luna moth’s safety. The wind and rain beat down on the window. The luna moth hung on, motionless…so motionless that I wondered if it was still alive. I fell asleep, fearing the moth would eventually be washed away by the storm.
The next morning I woke to find the luna moth still hanging on to the window screen. I couldn’t believe it had survived. Later, in the clear blue morning, I saw it fly away. I was grateful for my visitor. Through it, I witnessed the tender art of persistent strength amid adversity.
I’m struck by the words of 12th century poet, Hafiz, “The beauty of a mountain is talked about most from a distance, not while one is scaling the summit…”
I journey with people who are scaling the summits. Life is full of storms and challenges, but every person has a bright, beautiful luna moth in their/her/his soul and the capacity to learn from trials and foster joy.